Best of Season 3


In this episode, our host Gabe Hostin and our Program Coordinator CeCe Payne discuss excerpts from episodes we couldn’t stop thinking about this season:

  • Did the American Civil War ever truly end?

  • Is the U.S. government spying on its own citizens?

  • How do democracies die?

Music: Silas Bohen and Coleman Hamilton

Production: Pod People - Hannah Pedersen, Danielle Roth, Shaneez Tyndall, and Michael Aquino.

Episodes featured in this compilation:

  • Episode 312 - Arya Barkesseh (producer) and Dr. Jeremi Suri (guest and author of Civil War By Other Means: America’s Long & Unfinished Fight For Democracy) 

  • Episode 308 - Victor Ye (producer) and Professor Robert Scheer (guest and author of They Know Everything About You: How Data-Collecting Corporations and Snooping Government Agencies are Destroying Democracy)

  • Episode 313 - Jessica Chiriboga (producer) and Professor Daniel Ziblatt (guest and author of How Democracies Die)

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