Posts tagged got history
Why do we forget the cruelty of the British Empire?

The British Empire is often remembered as a benevolent, modernizing force for good. UnTextbooked producer Hassan Javed challenges that narrative with an interview with historian John Newsinger about his book The Blood Never Dried: A People’s History of the British Empire.

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History fails when it ignores the BIPOC women who made it.

Why does it often seem like history’s written for someone else? UnTextbooked producer Sophia Andrews interviews the author Mikki Kendall about her graphic novel Amazons, Abolitionists, and Activists.

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Germany addressed its racist past. Can America do the same?

Germany’s reckoning with their Nazi past could give America a roadmap for dealing with our long history of racism. UnTextbooked Producer Lap Nguyen interviews Susan Neiman, author of Learning from the Germans: Race and the Memory of Evil.

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